Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Optimism

So here I sit surrounded by people – no not literally, but truly interesting people just a mouse click away!

I chat with people from South America, France and to a world renown strategist as well as people in my own backyard in Greenville SC.  How cool is that?!

Most people are familiar with the big three Social Media tools; Linked In, typically used by professionals for connecting with other business professionals.  Next is Facebook, which I just recently adopted. And another is Twitter, an addictive tool that keeps me close to people like the CB radio did for scores of people in the 70’s. Okay so some of you won’t remember the CB radio, but my point is that these are tools for you to connect with people you my already know or people that can enrich your life!

I recently was invited to a gathering of people, here in Greenville SC.  We were all professionals trying to link up that otherwise, would have found things to do elsewhere in their own groups.  This created a group of people connecting that otherwise wouldn’t have!  The event was well thought out and, in my opinion very well attended!  I hope it continues and grows and that I can be a part of it!  The speaker, JT O’Donnell was simply awesome.  See what she is doing here:  or follow her on Twitter @jtodonnell.  Quoting another blogger who is REALLY fantastic: “… if you ever find yourself unhappy with your career or uncertain about your professional direction, do yourself a favor and reach out to her. You will look back on that email, tweet or phone call someday and realize it was one of the smartest things you ever did. Trust me on this. 

The cool part of that was meeting new people in person that I encouraged to jump into the deep end of the social pool!  We are all social animals and simply hunt for acceptance, leadership, friendship or have the desire to share something with someone else.

Here’s a way for you, my reader, to learn more, do more and see more!  Add “The Brandbuilder” and JT O’Donnell to your weekly (or more often) reading list, I have.  Sometimes the subject doesn’t apply to my position, or what I am working on that day, but the insight and topics are always interesting!  Plus in these days, JT’s advice could turn out to be useful this afternoon!

So, what is the message or purpose of my blog today?  To show you there is a TON of information and connections out there.  Be a part of it, encourage your friends to be a part of it.  You don’t know what you missed today if you weren’t tuned in!

The thing I find so cool, specifically about twitter is the inherent “Connectedness.”  By creating your I.D. and going on and listening (reading ) what people are saying, you can see a lot of information in a short time.  When you are comfortable and want to add to the conversation it is simple.  Simply send an update.  Be patient.  People are sometime slow to embrace a new comer (some are not!)  I was listening to a presentation by Thomas W. Parry (The brain behind ) when he said “What I find interesting is the “Cross-pollination” using twitter.”  I too find that VERY valuable.  You must consider the next best idea in your industry may need to be stolen from someone else’s!

Think about it, I will see you out there. Look me up on Linked In, Facebook or Twitter (I’m ALWAYS there!)