Monday, March 2, 2009

Continual Improvement

So here I sit resisting the “Tweet” of yet another friend telling me about what they are doing, a blog I MUST read or a link to a video that is funny or stupid or something that will really help be become a better salesperson or simply a better human being!

Well, just one more; Really! Wow! I gotta sign up for that!  I want to exceed my sales goals and I would think everyone would want to become a better person! 

Okay, pay attention now, here comes the point.  As I gather, intake and regurgitate all of this information I approach it very simply, I watch with three eyes.  The first, is this something that will help me?  The second, how can I use it? Last, who might benefit from it?

I really believe in continual improvement, this term is typically used by Quality people in discussing business practice or process, but I believe it is well suited to the individual.  You have heard “Reinvent yourself” I think continual improvement is “Micro-reinventing.”  Steven Covey in his book “The 8th Habit” labels this “Being a Trim-Tab” aviators out there understand this concept very well.  This is a fantastic read if you want to study and practice habits that will change your life! 

I believe I can interact with all this information passing by me and grasp onto those things that can help me.  I specifically enjoy applying my new knowledge to my business or personal life and if it is something I can’t use, I try to pass it on to someone in my network who can!

Many of you in the eastern part of the country will change the way you work today due to the snow.  Perhaps your child is at home and has a snow day.  Maybe your business is closed and you are working from home.  Maybe you are in a position already that allows you to work from home.  Whatever the reason, treat  today as different and apply what you see, and hear to YOUR continual improvement!

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